Understanding Fill Factors in SQL Server Indexes

In SQL Server, the fill factor determines how full the pages in your index are when they are created or rebuilt. The default fill factor is set to 100%, meaning that SQL Server fills each page as much as possible. In some cases, adjusting this value can help optimize performance, but setting a custom fill factor for an index can sometimes introduce unnecessary overhead.

Why Fill Factor Matters

The fill factor becomes important when you need to balance write performance and disk/memory efficiency. When you set a custom fill factor, you're essentially leaving a certain amount of space free on each page to allow room for future inserts or updates without causing page splits. Historically, page splits were a significant performance concern, especially on spinning disks, as they introduced expensive I/O operations when SQL Server had to split pages to accommodate new data.

However, with the rise of SSDs, the cost of page splits has decreased because SSDs handle random I/O much better than traditional spinning disks. This means that, in most cases, the default fill factor of 100% (or 0) will work perfectly fine.

Why Custom Fill Factors Can Be Problematic

Setting a custom fill factor can sometimes lead to more problems than it solves, particularly when it’s done without proper testing. Here’s why:

  • Wasted Space: A lower fill factor means that SQL Server is leaving empty space on each page. This can waste memory and disk space, as SQL Server has to store more pages to hold the same amount of data.
  • Read Performance Impact: More pages can mean longer read times, as SQL Server has to process more pages to retrieve the data.
  • Maintenance Overhead: Rebuilding or reorganizing indexes with custom fill factors can increase maintenance overhead, as SQL Server has to keep track of more pages, even if the performance benefit is marginal.

When to Use a Custom Fill Factor

Despite these drawbacks, there are situations where setting a custom fill factor can still be beneficial:

  1. Heavily Updated Tables: If you have a table that experiences a high volume of updates or inserts, lowering the fill factor on specific indexes may help reduce the number of page splits, which can improve write performance.
  2. Frequent Page Splits: If performance testing reveals that page splits are impacting your system, adjusting the fill factor for certain indexes may help reduce these splits and improve efficiency.

The key here is to apply a custom fill factor on an index-by-index basis. A database-wide custom fill factor is rarely a good idea.

Best Practices for Managing Index Fill Factors

  1. Test Before Changing: Before setting a custom fill factor, perform tests to ensure that the change actually improves performance.
  2. Avoid Database-Wide Custom Fill Factors: A custom fill factor should be set only on indexes that will benefit from it. Applying a low fill factor across all indexes can lead to inefficient use of resources.
  3. Monitor Performance: After applying a custom fill factor, monitor how it affects both read and write performance. You should see improvements in write-heavy workloads but be aware of potential impacts on read performance.

How to Adjust the Fill Factor for an Index in SQL Server

If you’ve determined that a custom fill factor is beneficial for a specific index, you can set it with the following SQL command:

ALTER INDEX IX_IndexName ON TableName
REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80); -- Example of setting a fill factor to 80%

How to Revert to the Default Fill Factor

To reset an index to the server default fill factor, use the following SQL command:

ALTER INDEX IX_IndexName ON TableName
REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 0); -- 0 means it will use the server default fill factor


Managing fill factors in SQL Server is a balancing act. While a custom fill factor can help reduce page splits in certain workloads, the default fill factor is typically sufficient in most modern environments, especially with SSDs. By testing thoroughly and applying custom fill factors only where necessary, you can optimize your index strategy without introducing unnecessary complexity or resource overhead.

For more guidance on index management, check out Aireforge Index Optimization for an automated approach to handling SQL Server indexes.