Import/Discover Servers

Aireforge Studio offers robust options for adding SQL Servers to your profile. You can either import servers from files (like CSVs) or manually input them, or you can use the Discover feature to automatically find servers registered in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), detected via SQL Browser, or stored in a database table (e.g., linked servers or replication).

Import Options

The Import option in Aireforge Studio allows you to add servers from external sources such as CSV files or manual text input.

Import from CSV

To import servers from a CSV file:

  1. Open the Estate tab in Aireforge Studio.
  2. Click on Import.
  3. Select the CSV option and choose the file containing your server information (the CSV file should include columns like Server Name, Instance, Tags, etc.).
  4. Map the CSV columns to the appropriate fields in Aireforge (e.g., Name, Address, Instance).
  5. After mapping, review the servers and click OK to complete the import.

Import from Text

You can also manually input server addresses in a comma-separated list:

  1. In the Estate tab, click on Import.
  2. Select Text.
  3. Enter server addresses separated by commas (e.g., Server1, Server2\Instance, Server3).
  4. Click OK to add the servers to your profile.

Discover Options

The Discover feature allows you to automatically detect SQL Servers from various sources:

  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Registered Servers
  • SQL Browser
  • Database Table (e.g., linked servers, replication servers)

Discover from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

To discover servers registered in SSMS:

  1. Go to the Estate tab.
  2. Select Discover and choose SQL Server Management Studio from the dropdown.
  3. Aireforge Studio will search for any registered servers across all SSMS versions installed on your system.
  4. Review the list of servers found, select the ones you want to add, and click OK to import them.

Discover using SQL Browser

SQL Browser will scan your local network for available SQL Servers:

  1. In the Estate tab, select Discover and then choose SQL Browser from the dropdown.
  2. Aireforge Studio will automatically detect SQL Server instances available on your network.
  3. Review the detected servers, select the ones to add, and click OK to import them.

Discover from a Database Table (Linked Servers, Replication, etc.)

To discover servers listed in a database table, such as linked servers or replication setups:

  1. In the Estate tab, select Discover and choose Table (SQL Server).
  2. Provide the connection string or server details to connect to the database that contains the list of servers.
  3. Write and execute an SQL query to retrieve the list of servers (e.g., SELECT * FROM [db].[schema].[table]).
  4. Review the results, select the servers to import, and click OK.