Aireforge Studio | Release Notes
Release Notes
v 2.4.4 24 May 2024
Module | Description |
General | Bug Fix: No longer display "What's New" dialog when the local version is the same or newer. |
General | Migration from IE Web Browser control to WebView2 |
v 2.4.2 22 May 2024
Module | Description |
Advisor | Bug fix when generating FK check script(s) |
v 2.4.0 17 May 2024
Module | Description |
General | Full icon refresh and updated UI framework. |
General | Increased trial period to 14 days. |
General | Enhanced Launch RDP from all modules and the ribbon "Connect to Server". |
General | Support for Entra MFA. |
Advisor | Rewritten checks compatible with "Project Holywood" for structured responses. |
Advisor | Advisor Results UI improvements. |
Advisor | Export results to Markdown & Word (beta) and based on UI filters. |
Advisor | Ability to hide accompanying web pages. |
Advisor | Reinstated showing indexes in the tree. |
Estate | Improved Add/Update Server Dialog. |
v 2.3.2 14 Feb 2024
Module | Description |
Script | Results to grid now auto sizes columns based on data and heading lengths. |
General | Updated ALL tooltips and headings. Tooltips, tooltips and then more tooltips. |
Monitor | Bug fix. Closing results tab now returns to Monitor, not Estate. |
v 2.3.1 13 Feb 2024
Module | Description |
Estate | Improvements to the add server dialog and progress bar. |
v 2.3.0 12 Feb 2024
Module | Description |
General | Upgrading the application will now run in SILENT mode, streamlining updates. |
General | Major changes to trials to enhance user experience, offering a smoother onboarding and evaluation process. |
General | Major changes to licensing, messaging, handling, and dialogs for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. |
General | Resolving some dynamic sizing issues to improve UI responsiveness and adaptability. |
General | Removed HtmlAgilityPack & updated dependencies for improved performance and security. |
Advisor | Fixed NPE (NullPointerException) when sending from Advisor to Script, enhancing stability. |
Advisor | Improved Advisor screens for enhanced usability, providing a more intuitive user experience. |
Advisor | Build indexes online when using Enterprise or Developer editions, allowing for more efficient database management. |
Script | Change from 'Advisor>Script' to 'Send to Script' for clarity, simplifying user actions and terminology. |
Estate | Licensing can be administered from the login screen to avoid forced updates, providing more control over the licensing process. |
Monitor | Improved tab names for Monitor for better navigation, making it easier to switch between different monitoring aspects. |
v 2.2.1 01 Feb 2024
Module | Description |
General | The license now displays licensed Company or User. |
General | Resolved UI issue with message box icons. |
General | Resolved UI issue with watermarks. |
General | Code refactoring and simplification, especially around licensing. |
General | Fixed some long-standing issues with displaying text. |
General | Improvements to asynchronous license check. |
v 2.1.1 31 Jan 2024
Module | Description |
General | Added support for Beta, Dev, and Early access modes. |
v 2.1.0 25 Jan 2024
Module | Description |
General | Addressed the SQL Data Provider Security Feature Bypass Vulnerability |
v 2.0.2 29 Sep 2023
Module | Description |
General | Updated credits to include changes for .NET 6 support |
v 2.0.1 28 Sep 2023
Module | Description |
General | Upgraded to .NET 6 and compatible libraries |
General | Enhanced UI for better user experience |
General | Improved DPI scaling for high-resolution displays |
Advisor | Fixed Advisor issues for Azure SQL DB |
Advisor | Skipped heap indexes in duplicate/overlapping index check |
General | Tested additional server properties during connection validation |
General | Installer now checks .NET version and offers download link if necessary |
v 1.21.8406.28012 07 Jan 2023
Module | Description |
General | Improvements for 4k screens |
v 1.21.8401.21483 01 Jan 2023
Module | Description |
Advisor | Highlight if TF1117 & TF1118 have been added to SQL Server 2016 or newer |
Estate | Removed server version from server import dialog |
Advisor | Heaps are now taken into consideration when making suggestions |
General | UI improvements |
Compare | Added support for SQL Server 2022 and improved database check for SQL Server 2019 |
Advisor | Don't suggest adding/converting a clustered index for unused or small (<255 rows) heaps |
Advisor | Resolved a bug when making missing index suggestions |
Advisor | Resolved a bug with socket/core check |
v 1.20.8212.33518 26 Jun 2022
Module | Description |
General | Upgraded Aireforge to .NET 4.8 |
Advisor | Renamed Optimize to Advisor |
Monitor | Renamed Check to Monitor |
General | Improved menu text and fixed typos |
Advisor | Skip Query Store checks for Express Edition |
Advisor | Affinity Type Check |
Advisor | Boost SQL Server Priority Check |
Advisor | CLR integration and related security options check |
Advisor | xp_cmdshell check |
Advisor | Remote access check |
Advisor | Analyse worker threads |
Advisor | Blocked process threshold check |
Advisor | Ole automation procedures |
Advisor | Results layout improvements |
Advisor | Improvements to Query Store checks |
Advisor | Expanded the affinity check to include processor and I/O |
Advisor | Ignore disabled constraint that have been generated by a SQL Server component |
Advisor | Ensure Query Store trace flags are enabled if Query Store is in use |
Advisor | Suggest trace flag to suppress successful backup messages |
General | Do not open JSONs once saved |
General | Prevent opening RDP for everything but SQL Server |
Advisor | Check for Scan for Startup Procs |
Advisor | Check for Data Purity Checks |
General | Support for SQL Server 2022 |
Advisor | Improved the message when the fill factor is explicitly set to the same server default |
Advisor | Advisor will no longer attempt to run for unsupported versions of SQL Server |
Advisor | Suggested indexes follow the index naming convention and do not clone the stats of existing indexes |
v 1.19.8046.25926 11 Jan 2022
Module | Description |
Optimize | No longer recommends dropping unused indexes that are unique or unique constraints. |
General | Resolved some spelling mistakes in the app and on the site, impacting the compatibility checks. |
Optimize | Removed Optimize from the standard trial (available on request). |
Compare | It's now possible to export Comparisons to JSON. |
General | Updated the MSSQL versions. |
Optimize | Standardise the categories and brought them inline with other industry tools. |
Optimize | Added basic support for SQL Server 2022 and Azure Synapse. |
Optimize | Check hosts for incorrectly configured or wasteful CPU / Socket configurations |
Optimize | It's now possible to export Optimize to JSON. |
v 1.18.7788.23001 28 Apr 2021
Module | Description |
Compare | Fixed a bug within the comparison differences results view. |
General | Provided deprecated license key information for Aireforge Pro users attempting to validate old licenses. |
v 1.18.7778.33382 20 Apr 2021
Module | Description |
Optimize | We now flag items as unused after 90 days. |
Optimize | Improved message for Query Store recommendations. |
Optimize | Duplicate and overlapping indexes now show the potential storage savings. |
Optimize | Fixed a bug with incorrectly reporting tables as having no clustered index. |
General | Migrated user licensing library to the latest major version. |
v 1.17.7696.15356 26 Jan 2021
Module | Description |
Optimize | Various improvements to the findings output. |
Optimize | Multiple Query Store issues will be highlighted if found. |
Optimize | Non-default fill factors check moved to Housekeeping. |
v 1.17.7695.20378 25 Jan 2021
Module | Description |
Optimize | More items are cached to improve the performance. |
Optimize | Improved output scripts for filtered indexes. |
Optimize | Optimize won't run for 2005 or before (our suggestions is to upgrade, it's 15 years old!!!). |
Optimize | Improved the information given when suggesting missing indexes. |
v 1.17.7693.22378 23 Jan 2021
Module | Description |
Optimize | Major improvements to missing index suggestions & information. |
Optimize | Missing index suggestions with low estimated impact scores can now be ignored (default 100,000). |
Optimize | Major improvements to the fragmented index suggestions & information. |
Optimize | Rebuild indexes now defaults to SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON |
Optimize | Fixed a bug when ordering tables by missing index impact. |
General | Fixed a bug where Aireforge unable to obtain the instance version. |
Script | Expanded the list of T-SQL keywords. |
General | Improvements and standardization of the toolbar, icons and options. |
v 1.17.7691.24850 21 Jan 2021
Module | Description |
Optimize | Wide-ranging improvements to Optimize suggestions. Better formatting and more detail/metrics. |
Optimize | Fixed a bug with index column orders, which could result in incorrect suggestions. |
General | Added support for Azure Active Directory - Password & Integrated. |
v 1.16.7520.27251 03 Aug 2020
Module | Description |
Optimize | Fixed error with checking max memory on SQL Server 2016+ Enterprise Edition |
Optimize | Added a check to warn when the SQL Server version support is about to or has expired. |
Optimize | Ignore old backup history if there are less than 1,000 rows. |
General | Community Edition is now limited to 5 servers for Compare and Script. |
Optimize | Added support for LARGE_PAGES when check memory model. |
Optimize | Improved formatting within the Optimize result pane. |
General | Uninstalling Aireforge will now launch the website to request feedback. |
Optimize | Improved the output for failed logins check. |
Optimize | Improved output for data & log sizes. |
Optimize | Improved all documentation and explanation pages. |
v 1.15.7375.34487 11 Mar 2020
Module | Description |
General | Added Copy Hostname right-click functionality throughout each module |
Check | Added Launch RDP/SMSS right-click functionality to Results view |
Compare | Added Higher Resolution images for Check & Summary buttons |
General | Added Compare Selected Servers right-click functionality to Compare/Check/Script modules |
General | Added Optimize Highlighted Server right-click functionality to Estate/Check/Script modules |
Estate | Improved Discover from SSMS functionality. |
Estate | Documentation is from |
v 1.14.7159.31284 08 Aug 2019
Module | Description |
Check | Updated definitions and added several new ones. |
General | Support for database names with special characters. |
Script | Improved database connection management |
v 1.14.7143.19426 23 Jul 2019
Module | Description |
Optimize | Errors running individual checks won't cause the entire analysis to fail (although errors such as failure to connect will still cause it to abort). |
General | Improved the handling of timeouts. |
Optimize | Suggest converting unique indexes to clustered if no primary key or identity columns are found. |
Optimize | Resolved a bug where included columns could be scripted for clustered indexes. |
Optimize | Resolved a bug where suggested indexes are considered when checking for duplicate indexes. |
Optimize | Check for orphaned distributed transactions and provide KILL SQL. |
Optimize | Suggest converting identity columns found on heaps to be clustered primary keys. |
Optimize | A summary of the analysis results is displayed before the results themselves. Users wanting to ignore the summary can turn this off via the Optimize page on the Settings dialog. |
v 1.14.7114.19663 24 Jun 2019
Module | Description |
Optimize | Removed the clustered / non-clustered usage comparison check. |
Optimize | Fixed a bug with duplicate columns names when comparing indexes. |
Optimize | Performance improvements. |
Optimize | Removed 'Ease of Use' checks from the default options. |
Optimize | Halved the number of threads used when running a check. |
Optimize | Index naming convention issues are now flagged as Low Priority rather than Best Practice. |
Optimize | Resolved a bug when decimal \ numeric is used as an identity column. |
v 1.14.7061.20468 02 May 2019
Module | Description |
Optimize | Resolved an issue with divide by zero. |
Optimize | Resolved an issue with checking TF 1117 & 1118. |
v 1.14.7055.25997 27 Apr 2019
Module | Description |
General | Internet proxy support for license management. |
Compare | The System Information comparison now compares Linux OS info. |
Optimize | Advise functionality has been renamed to Optimize. |
Check | Health Check functionality has been separated out into it's own tab. |
Optimize | A bug in the checking of SQL Error Logs has been fixed. |
Optimize | If failed login attempts are found, far more useful information it output about the failed attempts. |
Optimize | Supporting articles have been added for all checks that were previously missing them. |
Optimize | New check to see if DBCC CHECKDB has been run recently. |
Optimize | New check on database recovery model. |
Optimize | New check for identity columns reaching their maximum. |
Optimize | New check for empty file groups. |
Optimize | New check to detect disabled check constraints. |
Optimize | New check to detect disabled foreign key constraints. |
Optimize | New check to detect if the Query Store isn't enabled, has failed or is close to failing. |
Optimize | New check to detect if transaction log hasn't been backed up (if in FULL recovery model). |
Optimize | New check to detect if 'sa' user hasn't been renamed. |
Optimize | Updated UI for choosing the checks to run, with clearer top-level categorisation (performance, security, stability, data integrity and ease of use). |
Optimize | New settings pages for controlling what checks are run and for customising parameters for various checks (e.g. how recent a transaction log backup should have been). |
Optimize | New check to detect data and log files on the same volume. |
General | Server tag tree widths are now consistent throughout the application. |
Check | Health Checks now handle errors due to Availability Groups better, no longer showing them as outright errors. |
Optimize | The internet-based content panel on the bottom right of the results page will not be displayed if no internet connection is detected. |
General | The server search field has been moved to a consistent location (above the tag tree) and will support regular expressions for more powerful searching. |
General | The application will display a "What's Changed" button on the main title bar after an update, giving quick access to the recent change list. |
Optimize | When choosing to ignore a finding, it's now possible to permanently ignore that finding on that server, so it won't come up again (although it can be found again by turning on the filter option to display ignored findings). |
Optimize | Trial length now extended to 14 days. |
v 1.13.6992.30226 22 Feb 2019
Module | Description |
Compare | Compare results now default to grid view, rather than the summary graphs. |
General | Registration prompt removed from application. |
v 1.13.6988.34256 18 Feb 2019
Module | Description |
Script | Executing scripts with lots of batches (i.e. GO statements) is now much faster (25 times faster in some cases). |
Script | If a SQL connection is lost or closed while a query is executing, the UI correctly detects this and displays it. |
Script | Progress area below results area now shows count of batches and which batch is currently executing. |
Script | The results area will update as results are returned, so it's clear that long-running queries are progressing. |
Script | The messages tab will always be selected if any errors occurred. |
Script | SQL validation (Ctrl+F5) is much improved and will detect more errors. |
v 1.13.6961.39706 23 Jan 2019
Module | Description |
Advise | Bug fix where instance properties were not captured if a certain combination of options was selected. |
v 1.13.6927.21366 19 Dec 2018
Module | Description |
General | A small painting bug on the main Ribbon has been fixed. |
Advise | A bug that stopped queries running in Advise, if a query was stopped and quickly restarted, has been fixed. |
Compare | Compare will no longer flag errors due to non-readable AG nodes as differences. |
v 1.13.6922.30844 15 Dec 2018
Module | Description |
Compare | Added right-click 'Take Snapshot' option to servers table on Compare view. |
Compare | The UI for loading comparison snapshots has been re-written so it's much clearer what you can do with them. |
Advise | A bug in Advise that meant database file sizes weren't always checked has been fixed. |
Advise | TempDB is now shown as a separate node in the Advise results view, under the instance node, so all Temp DB issues can easily be seen together. |
Advise | Quote characters can be escaped in Health Check scripts by using a backslash character. |
v 1.12.6900.20402 22 Nov 2018
Module | Description |
Advise | Resolved an issue with an incorrect script for addressing low free space. |
Advise | Fixed a bug with sizing small databases. |
Estate | Tag tree on Estate view now has check boxes for bulk-selecting servers by tag. |
Advise | Primary keys are never highlighted as unused indexes. |
Advise | Added PageCount to index information dialog. |
General | Fixed bug with About dialog failing to load. |
Script | Bug fix when refreshing the list of database names in Script. |
Script | The Compare tab now has a new 'Snapshot' button to allow immediately capturing a snapshot to file for later viewing. |
v 1.12.6863.24060 16 Oct 2018
Module | Description |
Script | Fixed a bug where the Run button didn't work. |
v 1.12.6862.30751 15 Oct 2018
Module | Description |
Advise | Fixed a bug where Advise results didn't resize or appear correctly. |
Advise | Fixed a bug with incorrectly displayed tempdb file counts. |
General | The settings dialog has been updated to clearly indicate which settings relate to the application and which relate to the profile. |
Estate | Updated health checks to support SQL Server 2019. |
Estate | New health checks for suspect pages, auto_close, unsent mail, DBCC checks, QueryStore, untrusted FKs / Constraints 8 AG delays. |
Estate | Updated connection test dialog to indicate progress and allow restarting the tests. |
General | Added F5 support throughout the application, so F5 will start an Advise analysis, start a Compare check etc. |
Estate | Added a Launch menu to the Estate view, with options to launch Remote Desktop and SSMS for the highlighted server. |
Advise | A bug handling URL clicks in Advise results has been fixed, so the linked page will now be opened in the default browser. |
General | Browser proxy settings are used when checking for app updates etc. |
General | Product update dialog, shown when a new update is available, shows changes in all versions between the current version and the new one, so if multiple versions behind, all missed changes are shown. |
General | Estate view shows an Aireforge logo watermark in bottom right. |
Estate | Update of health check definitions. |
v 1.12 05 Oct 2018
Module | Description |
General | Added support for SQL Server 2019. |
Advise | Check index names against pre-defined and custom naming conventions. |
Advise | Advise "unused index" warnings now include information about when the table was created, or the server was last restarted (whichever is more recent). |
v 1.11 01 Aug 2018
Module | Description |
Advise | Improvements to Advise UI. |
Estate | Display SQL build number, edition and OS name in Estate overview. |
Advise | Improved non-clustered index check. Suggest converting a non-clustered primary key before an identity column. |
Advise | Index property dialog now shows seeks, scans, lookup and fragmentation information. |
Advise | Check virtual log file (VLF) count. |
Advise | Check for suspected bad pages. |
Advise | Flag unused tables (no rows or reads since the instance was started). |
Advise | Ignore unused indexes or missing clustered indexes on empty tables. |
Advise | Bug fix: When checking auto update / create statistics settings. |
General | Bug fix: Application freezes when sending mail in offline mode. |
Advise | Bug fix: Ignore hypothetical indexes when checking for duplicates. |
Advise | Improvements to indexes being used more than clustered indexes. |
General | Updated application & CLI icons to dog icon. |
v 1.10 01 Apr 2018
Module | Description |
Compare | Resolved an issue with comparing SQL Agent Jobs. |
Script | Fixed a bug connection couldn't be established responding with a success. |
Advise | Improved the profiler check. Now shows the login, host and a script to kill the connection. |
Advise | Support for filtered indexes. |
Advise | Fixed a bug when checking for disabled indexes. |
Compare | Improved user and login checks, reducing noise for all systems and only comparing user sid if the instance is in an availability group cluster. |
Advise | Fix a bug with failed logins check. |
General | Suport for FIPS enabled systems. |
Advise | Updated suggested maximum memory. |
Advise | Bug with the Advise SQL version check has been fixed. |
General | Updated "in progress" UI. |
Advise | Several performance improvements and big fixes. |
General | Support for snapshot databases. |
Script | Performance improvements. |
Advise | Tuned the suggested memory for smaller systems. |
Estate | New Feature: Estate Health Checks (Custom and predefined). |
Advise | New UI for the Advise results, showing a lot more information and providing new ways to sort and filter the results. |
Advise | Significant performance improvements for Advise. |
Compare | Bug fixed where system default comparisons don't get automatically deleted. |
Advise | Max memory for editions is now based on buffer pool + in-memory + columnstore for supported versions. |
Advise | SQL suggested by the Advise module now has a button to copy the script directly into the Script module. |
Estate | Improved connection test now works from the ticked servers on the Estate view, rather than the highlighted ones. |
Advise | New check: I/O bottlenecks detected. |
Advise | New check: Database File Initialization Disabled. |
Advise | New option to ignore a specific update (not available in community edition). |
Advise | Check that use Backup Checksum Check as Default is enabled. |
Advise | Check that use Backup Compression as Default is enabled. |
Advise | Check that Optimize for Ad-hoc Workload is enabled. |
Advise | Check that remote Dedicated Admin Connections are allowed. |
Advise | Check that Index create memory is set to default (self-configuring). |
Advise | Check for instance fill factors that are not default (not 0). |
Advise | Fixed a bug when comparing space of data files in filegroups. |
Advise | Taken out painting of split pane dividers while resizing. |
v 1.1 01 Aug 2017
Module | Description |
General | Improvements to almost every screen and dialog. |
Advise | Added partial support for column store indexes. |
Advise | Ignore fragmented indexes now based on pages rather than rows. Defaults to Microsoft recommended value of 1,000 pages. |
Advise | Warn if database owner does not exist & suggest fix. |
Advise | Added suggested fix SQL when (auto close enabled, auto shrink enabled, auto create/update statistics disabled, page verify not CHECKSUM). |
Advise | Warn if auto update statistics is disabled. |
Advise | Warn if data files are larger than 10GB and have more than 90% unused. |
Advise | Changed cost threshold for parallelism check to alert if < 15 but still suggest 30. |
Advise | Changed the suggested size for new tempdb files to total space / existing files * number of suggested files. |
Advise | Added fix SQL for old compatibility modes and disclaimer about breaking changes. |
General | Professional Edition is now unlimited for Compare and Script. |
General | Improved error handling surrounding the licencing. |
Script | Fixed bug when displaying varbinary. |
Script | Script is now Free (limited to 200 servers but contact us if you need more). |
Compare | Compare is now Free (limited to 200 servers but contact us if you need more). |
Advise | Fixed a bug with indexes in filegroups other than primary. |
Advise | Improvements to auto growth check. |
Compare | Updated comparisons definition. |
Advise | Fixed an issue with memory optimized filegroups. |
CLI | Security fix for the CLI module |
Advise | Fixed a bug when checking backup histories. |
Script | Fixed a bug when running batch queries in Script. |
General | Fixed a bug when discovering SQL Server 2017 servers. |
General | Now installs to program files rather than program files (x86). |
Advise | Improvements and bug fix for database file auto growth suggestions. |
Advise | Database auto growth flags if less than 5% percent growth or MB but still recommend 10%. |
Script | Script module introduced. This new tab allows running SQL against multiple servers at once, with various options on how the results are combined (or not). |
General | User interface rewritten to allow themes to be applied. Current theme can be selected via the User Interface page in the Settings dialog. |
Advise | Advise results now have an Explain link next to them, taking you to a page in the Aireforge knowledge-base, giving more details on the warning. |
Advise | Resolved a bug with auto growth checks for database files < 256MB. |
v 1.0 01 Mar 2017
Module | Description |
Advise | Intermittent painting issue resolved on the results screen. |
Advise | Advise now checks for low physical memory availability. |
Compare | Removed size from database files, leaving size_mb. |
Advise | Resolved an issue with getting physical index stats on 2008 & R2. |
Advise | Improvements to resolve painting issues and improve the performance. |
Advise | Advise checks for old backup information that should be cleared down. |
General | Resolved non-HTTPS font issue with changelog page. |
General | It's now possible to quickly add servers to the Estate from a free-text list of addresses, using the new Import -> Text option. |
General | External changes to profiles and comparisons are now detected, and the user is given the opportunity to load the changed files. |
Advise | Advise now checks for sys.configuration records where the value_in_use differs from the value. |
Tune | Renamed Tune to Advise. |
Tune | Resolved a performance issue with Tune whilst obtaining index fragmentation information. |
Tune | Fixed a bug where filestream files were counted as log files. |
Tune | We no longer check growth settings for filestream data files. |
Tune | Fixed a database check for 2012 and before. |
Tune | Fixed a bug with DROP USER scripts. |
Tune | Fixed a bug with incorrect MAXDOP recommendations. |
Tune | Ability to analyze instances. |
Tune | Ability to analyze databases. |
General | Automatic version checking now delayed slightly after app start up, so it won't happen before the first form is shown. |
General | When adding a SQL Server instance on the local host, it will automatically test all connection protocols. |
General | Changed all web links to HTTPS. |
Tune | In-memory tables now ignored completely (until we decide how to handle them correctly). |
General | Server tags can now be colored (e.g. red for Production, green for Test, etc.). |
General | The Delete button on the login dialog will now correctly delete the selected profile. |
Compare | Added support for SQL Server 2017. |
General | Fixed a website problem with the host comparison updates. |
Tune | The View SQL dialog now has a Copy to clipboard button to copy the entire script. |
Tune | The Tune UI has been redesigned to present new instance and database tuning options, which check things like memory settings and data files. |
Tune | A bug where Tune recommended making an index unique when it shouldn't have, has been fixed. |
General | The License Key will no longer be shown on the Licensing dialog. |
General | Error handling around blank temporary files. |
v 0.9 01 Jan 2016
Module | Description |
Tune | The first functionality in the Tune module is now available! You can use it to analyze table schema and indexes! |
Tune | Index tune will no longer suggest using a disabled index over an existing non-disabled one. |
Tune | Index tune will suggest dropping disabled indexes. |
Tune | Index tune will suggest dropping and recreating indexes with additional included columns, to make other indexes redundant. |
Tune | Schema tune will no longer suggest renaming bit columns. |
Tune | There's a new Custom button on the Tune tab, allowing more control over the tune analysis. |
Tune | Tune analysis will now scale the number of threads used according to the number of cores on the PC, rather than using a fixed number of threads. |
Estate | Drag and drop in the tag configuration dialog works again. |
Estate | New profiles will automatically have four tags created by default, so new users have something to start from. |
Estate | The Delete key will delete the selected servers (with a confirmation question first). |
Estate | A new "Add Server..." option is now available on the right-click of the tag tree. |
Estate | When adding an Azure SQL database, the network protocol option now disables named pipes and shared memory as TCP/IP is the only option. |
Estate | When adding a new server, it's now possible to set the time-out and SSL encryption settings. |
Estate | When adding a new server and specifying an overriding connection string, the connection string is validated when the OK is pressed. |
Estate | When adding a new server, it's possible to set a color against it. This color is then shown everywhere that server is. |
Estate | A display bug, where renaming a tag didn't update the tags column in the Estate view, has been fixed. |
Compare | Selecting a comparison category from the results summary will now correctly update the category filter combo box. |
Compare | Bugs in both hiding comparison results and suppressing comparison warnings are fixed. |
Compare | Comparisons will now scale the number of threads used according to the number of cores on the PC, rather than using a fixed number of threads. |
Compare | A new "Repeat" button on the comparison results tab allows re-running the comparison again with all the same details. |
Compare | If a comparison fails, two new buttons are shown to allow retrying the comparison or running again but with just the servers that were successful. |
Compare | Comparison tabs are added in order now, so Comparison 2 is to the right of Comparison 1 etc. |
Compare | The button to load a past snapshot now has a drop down, listing recently saved snapshots. |
Compare | Comparison file updates are now downloaded from the Aireforge web server, so comparison updates no longer require product releases. |
Compare | Custom comparisons can be configured to ensure a value is in or outside of a specific range. |
Compare | Custom comparisons can be configured to ensure a value is equal or near another value in the same result set (e.g. to ensure a configuration value_in_use is the same as the value). |
Compare | New right-click menu on comparisons table on the Compare tab, allowing easy editing and creation of comparisons. |
Compare | When editing a comparison, a new "Test" button allows direct running of the query against a server and uses the result set to populate the columns table. |
Compare | A bug that prevented the mouse wheel working on the comparison results combo box filter is fixed. |
General | Buttons for connecting to Aireforge Server have been removed. |
General | Buttons for Twitter and LinkedIn have been added to the Help tab. |
General | Log file naming has been changed to include the date and time in the file name itself. |
General | The login window has a checkbox to make it automatically log in with the same profile each time. |
General | New checkbox on the Settings dialog to disable automatic version checking, for use in environments without internet access. |
General | Application updates are downloaded in the application itself, prompting for a restart when complete. |
General | A bug that caused an exception when closing the app has been fixed. |