Omnicompare Becomes Aireforge Studio

Omnicompare Becomes Aireforge Studio

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We created OmniCompare over a year ago now and it has evolved quite a bit since the early days of merely comparing the results from a small number of queries; mainly sys.configurations. The application is getting more powerful with each release and we're also making good progress on OmniGuard, which protects SQL Server estates from unauthorised access, and OmniTune, which provides powerful tuning information for single or multiple databases.

With these new applications nearing beta release and OmniCompare nearing it's official release, we had to make the decision to either continue with OmniCompare and create separate applications for our others tools or create a single application which contains our growing suite of tools. We opted for the later, and created Aireforge Studio.

A single application enables us to remain lean in terms of development and marketing but it will provide a better experience for the user. Again, this consumed a large amount of our development time and pushed us back a few month, but we're keen to create the best foundation for our products before the official release(s).

The beta of Aireforge Studio 0.9.5 is now available to download either by updating OmniCompare or downloading OmniCompare from the website